Friday, 22 April 2016


Denomination !!! This word has caused more harm than good. It has divided the body of Christ into parts, instead of making us one body in Christ. Denomination has caused division and segregation,making anointed men of God to strive for population rather than impartation, it is now the song we sing and rhythm we dance to instead of worshiping God in spirit and In truth. This is what causes strive in God's kingdom to the extent that Bro A, can't give a helping hand to Bro C, and Sister B, can't accommodate Sister D because they are not from same church, there after we go to our various religious centers lifting up our hands we claim to be holy but stained with blood from malice and hatred,we forget the fact that murderers are not those who kill with knives and guns alone, but also those who kill people in their heart also due to hatred. Please we are bought with a priceless price, we should not frustrate the effort of Christ.1 Corinthians 1:12-13 .The big question is "is Christ divided? " REMEMBER WE ARE ONE BODY IN CHRIST. Let's fight against Denominational strives. UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. I love u all.


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