Tuesday, 12 April 2016

THE WORD ----2

Seven Challenges for Winning Your Fight of faith
Pastor Chris

1Timothy 26:12 fight
2Timothy 4:7 "I have finished my course.." Paul

   **The Challenge of**

-Freedom to decide the kind of Life you want to live
-The freedom to serve God
-When freedom comes, what are you going to do with it?
-Freedom is responsibility and responsibility is accountability
-Responsibility without accountability is failure
*-*The word of God makes you free in the area of the word you know.
*In the area of ignorance, men live in bondage
-The Son of God has made us free
-We must first challenge ourselves with the possibilities rather than looking up to others to change a certain challenge
-Its failure to make your world a bad place.
-There are things one must tell him/herself not to do.
-A champion is a person who fights for others not him/herself eg David served his fellow brothers from the hands of Goliath

       **The Challenge of**

-You must add value to your life
-Being free is not enough, you must add excellence to your life
-Don't waste your life on television, those guys are making money through you.
-Spend much of your time on things that add value and excellence to your life
-Let your heart be burned with new ideas
-When you set yourself free, don't stop there. Think of how you can change other people's lives

    **The Challenge of**
        •° Opportunity°•

-The suffering of people around you and the state of your country is your opportunity to change it
-When opportunity calls that means there is a need, Present yourself and do something
-The world is being run by a lot of mediocres, don't make your society a dangerous place to live.
-Get your world better than how you met it. Its our responsibility and don't ignore it.

 **The Challenges of**

-Leadership is an extraordinary opportunity to do something
*-*Leadership means helping others achieve their dreams
-A leader sees what others do not see and they then pave the way for them so that they can easily follow your steps
-Leadership is Inspiring others
-Leadership is responsibility and its not tittle but action

       **The Challenge of**

-Be separate to others because you're setting a pace.
-Leaders pull others to their arena of distinction
-Do things not because of money but because you're challenged by the situation. Money is not everything

  **The Challenge of**
         °•The Future•°

-What does the future hold and how are you positioning yourself?
-When you look at the little children what do you think?
-Prepare the little ones for the coming future
-If you teach such kids, you'll be amazed when they will be telling you things you never thought to be possible
-Our responsibility is to see things so that we then groom others.
-Success without a successor is failure
-Live beyond your generation and environment.
-The bible says "...You're in the world but you're not of this world...."
-Never be afraid of people knowing what you know because they will never beat you. God gives you ideas and you share them, then God gives you more ideas which means you're always ahead of them

After working on these six
You're going to do not only talk then the seven challenge will evident!!

Bro Akan Ifon


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