It is very important to speak or declare the blessings we already have in Christ. God by grace has supplied us with wisdom, health, protection, deliverance and whatever we need in life because of the finished work of Jesus. Here, I want to share with you how you can tap into the supply that is already available to you, so that you can experience these blessings in your life in a greater measure.
Many believers are not experiencing the breakthroughs they want because they are not speaking out what they believe about the Word, but are speaking out what they see, feel and experience in their circumstances. For example, while many Christians believe that by Jesus’ stripes they are healed, they are not speaking in line with this truth. Often, they speak about their symptoms and what they feel—“This headache is killing me!” “I feel awful today. I just knew that I would catch this flu bug from my colleague.” Others just suffer in silence—literally. They don’t say anything—good or bad—because they have resigned themselves to their negative situation.
My friend, God doesn’t want you to suffer in silence or to put up with any sickness or lack. His will is for you to be healthy, prosperous and full of joy and peace. That’s why He gave you the power to change your circumstances, and that power lies in your mouth. As God’s child, you can speak positively into your negative situation and see it change for the better. So don’t just believe God’s promises, speak them out too!
Perhaps you are suffering a sickness that doctors say you have to be on long-term medication for and your heart’s desire is to be healed. Or maybe you have a debt that you need to pay off. These are needs that God has taken care of through Jesus’ perfect work at the cross. So instead of talking about how bad the situation is, start speaking life into your situation. Say, “Sickness, be plucked out by your roots and be gone from my body in Jesus’ name! By Jesus’ stripes I am healed!” Instead of worrying about your debt, say, “I call my debt supernaturally cancelled in Jesus’ name. My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory!” If you want to see good days, then keep your tongue from speaking unbelief, and release the power and life of the Lord through your mouth into your situation!
Now, I’m not talking about suppressing our feelings or pretending that sicknesses don’t exist. But God wants us to walk by faith and not by sight. Stating the obvious doesn’t change anything and will only make us more fearful. Speaking the good that we want to see, on the other hand, gives us hope, builds faith and changes things for the better as God’s power is released. In the creation account in the Book of Genesis, God created good things by speaking. For example, He said, “Light be”, and light was. (Genesis 1:3) God saw the darkness, but He called forth what He wanted to see. Similarly, if you want to start seeing good things happen in your life, start speaking and declaring the promises in God’s Word!
You see, to lay hold of all that God is freely supplying to you, to have Him save you from whatever you need saving from, you need to operate the way He does—open your mouth and speak what you believe about His Word. Romans 10:10 says that “with the mouth confession is made unto salvation”. Salvation from eternal death, destruction, sickness, poverty and depression comes when you say what God says about your situation.
My friend, if you want to see the power of God come into your circumstances, you need to realise that it’s not what the doctor, your friends or even your enemies say about you that matters. It’s what you say about your circumstances, your future and your life that matters. Life and death is in the power of your tongue, so say what the powerful, life-producing Word of God says about you, your future and your life! UWA IFUEKO ESTHER
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