Monday, 23 May 2016

How dare you?
Blame us for the lack of knowledge of our native language,
When u told us speaking it in school made us sound savage. How dare you?
Blame us for not acting as the Sons of the soil,
When your fathers allowed our soil to get drowned in oil.How dare you?
Blame us for becoming the vultures hoovering above our dying culture,
When it was you who starved it and let them turn our oracles to
gods went from being revered in shrines, to being displayed in museums
and their “so-called” offering of a bloodless religion, became the
sacrifice for godless decisions.I know that is amala but,How dare you?
Blame me for not wanting to taste it, When all you did in my first
12 years was slave me to hate it.
How dare you?
Blame the Daughters. When the Fathers joined the strangers to gang-rape
Mother Africa and sold her Sons to bleed, breed and become the bastard
children of America!
How dare you?
Blame us for not righting your wrongs.
How dare you?
Blame us for not writing your songs.
How dare you?
Blame me for this shame I wear.
When you are the reason for this pain I bear.
How dare you?
How dare you?!!


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