Friday, 20 May 2016

You can be in deeper life and your life can still be shallow.

You can attend redeemed church and yet your life remains

You can be a member of winner's chapel and still not overcome sin
till you die.

You can be in mountain of fire ministry and life is still in the valley.

You can be in salvation ministry and still not be saved from

You can be in Christ embassy and still be working under satan's embassy.

You can still be in Dunamis and yet u remain powerless.

You can speak in tongues and miss heaven.

You can win souls and miss heaven.

You can see vision and miss heaven.

You can cast out devil and miss heaven.

You can perform miracles and still miss heaven.

You can read the whole bible and miss heaven.

You can attend all fellowship activities and miss heaven.

You can have all pastors lay their hands on you and still miss heaven.

You can have anointing and miss heaven.

You can have all gifts and miss heaven.

You can wield power and auction and still miss heaven.

But you cannot live a HOLY LIFE AND MISS HEAVEN(HEB 12:14, Psalms 24:3-4, 1Tes4:7, 5:22, 1Pet1:14,15. Rev 21:27). Good morning in Jesus' Name, and remember a life that sin still resides is a life unfit for heaven. And if you miss heaven, behold, hell is real!!!
Be safe. Repent today, repent now for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Copied. Pls pass ahead.


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