Thursday 19 May 2016


Phil 2:5--Let the same attitude and purpose and mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus (let Him be your example in humility)

6- who although being essentially one with God and in form of God(possessing the fullness
of the attributes which make God God) did not think this equality with God was a thing for to be eagerly grasped.

Even in equality with God .Jesus never acted like he don't need God(father),always submitted and made God his source through prayer but this don't change the fact that he was equal with God.
7- ...but stripped himself "so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave)

What do servant do? Depends, obey, listen to their master . no wonder he was exalted!

 that at the name of Jesus every knee should(must) bow, tongue confess and acknowledge Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of the father. while Jesus Christ is Lord it still making you the Lord! Hallelujah because what they can see in you is Christ in JESUS ( the authority you are walking upon).and name stand for authority.
 So use the name to glorify the father.


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